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How Can I Be Forgiven of My Sin?
Receiving the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior is the most important decision you will ever make. If you have never made this decision, please allow us to share the "Good News" of salvation with you.

Jesus Christ is God's free gift of eternal life to us (Eph. 2:8,9). Because of our sin and the Lord's sentence of death against all sins, we are unfit and incapable of attaining Heaven (Rom. 2:23, 6:23). In His love God provided His Son as a sacrifice for our sin (Rom. 5:8). The Gospel announces the debt of death has already been paid and shows its reality by Christ's resurrection from the dead (I Cor. 15:20-22). A person's sincere heart-felt response in repentance of sin before a Holy God and of trust towards Jesus Christ as Savior brings the gift of eternal life (Rom. 10:9,10). We know that this is a personal decision: we would be happy to answer any questions you might have. Please contact us. We are here to be of assistance.
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